Welcome to Make America Hate Again! An Alt-Middle Perspective:
To Saving the World
To Saving the World
Pray tell me when or if our too polarized and divided populace can or will finally come together in the ALT-Middle and realize that BOTH parties are run by for-profit businesses and for-purchase politicians?
"You Cannot Get Rich In Politics Unless You're A Crook."
~Harry Truman
When will the majority finally unpl
Pray tell me when or if our too polarized and divided populace can or will finally come together in the ALT-Middle and realize that BOTH parties are run by for-profit businesses and for-purchase politicians?
"You Cannot Get Rich In Politics Unless You're A Crook."
~Harry Truman
When will the majority finally unplug from the mass-manipulation-machines that we call the news? The very same news that most of us have programmed to our liking by out-of-hand rejecting news sources that differ from our position despite obvious ignorance of its real truthfulness, while accepting source information that affirms our position because it makes us feel good and correct... though we haven’t confirmed ITS truthfulness either… From where I am sitting, which is the ALT-Middle, it just seems like a lot of this could be worked out via compromise instead of hate, intolerance, and manipulation. We've all lived through various compromises in our lives; settlements in our judicial system are considered a great outcome; and, I assume most people would agree that an equitable outcome between polar opposite positions is a favorable one. Is this a winner take all at any cost situation? Or is this about which position is more American? Is this about truly being good representatives of the United States of America via staying true to her founding authors' intentions, as well as continuing to protect all that is thought to be great about America? If both sides believe this is what they're fighting for, or if they truly believe in being tolerant to all beliefs and positions, then it’s time we the people realize that most of us have far less in common with career politicians that are motivated by money and influence than we actually have in common with those otherwise known as: “The wrong side of history”; Bigots; Lunatics; Racists; Stupid; Snowflakes; or any number of other criticisms that may or may not involve female genitalia being used symbolically. Those are some pretty harsh names and conclusions we’ve suddenly come to about either complete strangers who are several generation Americans, or fellow immigrants, or, more close to home, some of our own family members, or others, that we’ve historically loved. Some of these people from the “Other Side” may have even played a significant positive role in shaping who we are today. How’d we get so divided? Well, here is but one example: We keep hearing powerful words like “BIGOTRY”, which by its definition found below, we all want to be on the “correct” side of it, or be considered stupid and ignorant. Very few on either side want to be BIGOTS….
big·ot·ry noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
Intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself? Does this sound familiar? It should, because the mathematical odds tell us that anyone reading this message is much more likely to be for the Left or Right, so therefore in polar opposition to whichever side is the “Other Side”. If this is true, a despicable Congratulations is in order for America, because 300 million plus people on one side or the other equates to the Greatest Bigotry Ever Award!!! Read the definition of BIGOTRY again if you doubt this statement. If you still rationalize your bigotry because you’re on the “right or correct side” then you’ve been conned, and need to keep reading below. What America needs today is a firm spanking. I am talking about corporal punishment of the days of yore perpetrated on most Americans 21 or older. What an example we are setting for the next few generations. We tell our kids to: Fight Racism! Fight Discrimination! Stop Bigotry! Oh, AND, be INTOLERANT of the “Other Side” because they hold different opinions than ours! “They” being roughly 50-percent of your fellow American Citizens, who have been labeled AS: “On the wrong side of history...”; BIGOTS! (True, both sides are, as proved above); Racists! (Yet millions who voted for a Black President one or two times in the past voted for Trump in 2016). Xenophobes! (Every President since Bill Clinton in the nineties has made promises to shore up the boarder by strengthening them physically and by stepping up deportations, especially to criminals; Obama deported as many illegal or once legal immigrants as any other of the last few presidents; presidents have called the immigration system “broken” for decades.) If you’ve read this far, I encourage you to keep reading. I have my own delusions, and am not immune. Either what I have written is true and makes “mathematical” sense, or I need to purchase and erect a very large tin-foil hat. I would like to tally the votes by those who read and write me. I also desire to reply back to each email with an open-mind. A “mathematical” refutation of the ALT-Middle position is missing.
“Neither the Right nor the Left know the Truth. The Truth Lies in the ALT-Middle.” ~Me
What if I told you that you’re being brainwashed, and that America is a propaganda state? Would you become so instantly offended that you’d refuse to read another word of this three page letter? I get it. I believe most people would agree with the sentiment that it’s an insult to one’s intelligence to admit that they are unwittingly bei
What if I told you that you’re being brainwashed, and that America is a propaganda state? Would you become so instantly offended that you’d refuse to read another word of this three page letter? I get it. I believe most people would agree with the sentiment that it’s an insult to one’s intelligence to admit that they are unwittingly being manipulated.
Therein lies the problem.
I am either delirious from the lack of a tin-foil-hat or most of America is indeed being programmed and deluded. I think most can at least agree that a lot of the population has been whipped into a frenzy by the media coverage of today’s politics; and, as a result, the bitter, partisan and adversarial relationship that exists between our two political parties has spread to the general populace. People are physically attacking each other in the streets of America due to the politicians they support and for having different opinions and beliefs. Both sides are being conditioned to believe their side is correct and that the other side is either a bunch of lunatics or bigots. Family members are not speaking to each other; lifetime friendships are being “unfriended”; and relationships are being destroyed. Countless news stories are being shared on social media that incite emotion and rage, despite being irresponsibly untrue. As a result, the “wrong side” is being so dehumanized by the “correct side” that people are actually cheering on violent behavior towards fellow Americans.
“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.”
How did we get here? So, I am on FB and I see this WP opinion article that was incredibly hard hitting on Trump, just a very over-the-top indictment of Trump and his imminent demise. I noticed in the comments that a lot of readers were arguing over whether or not the WP was liberally biased. A gentlemen poster copied and pasted the WP’s Editor and Chief of Staff’s bio that showed this person actually worked for the Conservative Reagan administration so as to prove that the WP isn’t really biased. I thought to myself, well, kudos to you for actually doing any research. The problem was, he didn’t go high enough, because the Owner is named Jeff Bezos, and cursory research shows he and Trump fought in public for a lot of 2016, long before Trump won the election. Virtually everything printed in WP will be anti-Trump and anti-conservative with liberal vengeance. Conservatives have similar news outlets (read Fox News & Breitbart for starters) that unabashedly engage in this same dishonest manipulation. It’s what their readers want to read and hear because it seemingly validates and affirms their position. In addition, the owner is purposefully engaging in a war of ideologies using this same influence.
Mass Media influence. Therein lies the problem.
What is the definition of propaganda?
prop·a·gan·da 1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause. 2. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda.
So in laymen’s terms propaganda can exist when someone with great influence manipulates and induces mass-populations to their way of thinking. I think a post information-age definition could be termed as: Programming. When most think of a propaganda state they likely think of N. Korea, Russia, China, Iran, and many more countries whose media is owned by the person or people in charge. Yet, what if those in control were two partisan groups of government leaders instead of only one? Isn’t it safe to conclude they would relentlessly battle each other for the popular vote in order to stay in power and to guarantee their influence? What if individuals with unlimited resources started purchasing and consolidating mass-media companies to use them as echo-chambers for their own personal, political and social agendas? What if they also donate to their candidates of choice? Does this sound like propaganda to everyone else? It should, because it is, and even scarier, is what it’s been happening for years. It only takes a few minutes to research who owns which news outlets. It only takes a few minutes more to discover which political agenda said owners support. We should all be much more alarmed by the fact that we are deliberately being programmed and provoked by those with unlimited resources than we should be scared of any one or group of temporary politicians. The politicians work for those in control. Hillary Clinton raised more money than any other previous presidential campaign. Actually, that is an alt-fact, though I was under the impression this was a real fact for weeks. I am not immune either. I read it somewhere and I believed the source to be reliable. I checked it weeks later to find it was incorrect. For the record, I confirmed countless “alt-facts” coming from both sides during the election from numerous sources claiming to be practicing Journalism.
What are the Codes of Ethics for Journalism? Here are a few from Ethics.iit.edu – written in 1923.
RESPONSIBILITY: The right of a newspaper to attract and hold readers is restricted by nothing but considerations of public welfare. The use a newspaper makes of the share of public attention it gains serves to determine its sense of responsibility, which it shares with every member of its staff. A journalist who uses his power for any selfish or otherwise unworthy purpose is faithless to a high trust. III. INDEPENDENCE: Freedom from all obligations except that of fidelity to the public interest is vital. 1. Promotion of any private interest contrary to the general welfare, for whatever reason, is not compatible with honest journalism. So-called news communications from private sources should not be published without public notice of their source or else substantiation of their claims to value as news, both in form and substance. V. IMPARTIALITY: Sound practice makes clear distinction between news reports and expressions of opinion. News reports should be free from opinion or bias of any kind.
This all sounds very admirable, but sadly, it seems each of the above ethics are virtually non-existent today. It’s not even just the extremist sites shared on social media that exhibit obvious bias anymore, its mainstream news on down to the AP. In 2016 and 2017 a few of the top 5 major news outlets in the country even admitted to bias. It’s so prevalent that it can be difficult to get all of the facts even after reading numerous competing sources. And lets face it, most of us are only reading one side.
Therein lies the problem.
Link To Media Bias:
We're all so distracted about which side is right, and so filled with disdain for the "other side", that most of us cannot fathom attempting to gain common-ground to reach an agreement. Meanwhile, our country is in record debt by a number most of us cannot recite off-hand, not to mention name the amount of zeros included. Our Education
We're all so distracted about which side is right, and so filled with disdain for the "other side", that most of us cannot fathom attempting to gain common-ground to reach an agreement. Meanwhile, our country is in record debt by a number most of us cannot recite off-hand, not to mention name the amount of zeros included. Our Education and Health Care systems are broken. And of gravest concern, we are destroying the planet in the name of greed. We're also becoming dumber and more hate-filled. All the while the country is being run by large banks, foreign and domestic special interests, and for-profit corporations who receive special treatment from for-purchase politicians from both parties. Shouldn’t we be questioning this? Or are we too busy taking our pill and stubbornly sticking to our partisan positions? I get it. The pill is easy to swallow and it makes us feel good.
“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” -- Winston Churchill.
Most of America is tuning out opinions, and even facts, that come from a source that is in opposition to their own beliefs. We “un-friend” or “block” differing information, or we simply choose to only read and listen to messages coming from the same agreeable voices. I call this Affirmation Delusion. We willingly affirm our position over and over, without dissenting information, whether it be fact or not, which results in delusion. Sadly, for some of us, it even incites and emboldens them to commit violence. If you’re only listening to those that support your position by being parroted the same themes from the same sources, you learn nothing new, but instead become additionally programmed. We seem to be creating proverbial bubbles around ourselves that reject contrary information out-of-hand, while allowing in similar sounding messages, because it validates our selected position, and it makes us feel “correct”. Therein lies the problem. When is the last time you’ve heard the words “common ground”? Mathematics are a beautiful thing because there is only a right or wrong answer, and there is little to no debate. Mathematics tells us there are more positions than two on any contested issue. At the very least there is a 3rd position, which is otherwise known as a compromise. Yet in America, likely due to the aforementioned mass-programming and mass-manipulation perpetrated on us by both those with unlimited resources, as well as their indentured servants (read politicians here), most of us believe there is only one correct side, and it’s our side. In the mortal words of Dr. Phil McGraw: “How is that working for you?” If the country continues to divide at the current rate, a question is begged: What is the end game? A Civil War? Also, how is this divide influencing and hurting our children and the next generations? Are we all really okay with teaching the young to hate others because they do not share our same opinions and beliefs? It would seem the last thing this country needs is additional hate, yet hate seems to be very much on the rise. Showing little to no tolerance for dissenting opinions or beliefs certainly doesn’t sound very American. It actually sounds infinitely more like being un-American. And, as a result, the idea of tolerance seems to be a word with little or no meaning anymore. Categorizing dissenting opinions as bigotry, lunacy, or hate speech, sure does not sound like free speech. It sounds a lot more like censorship. Therein lies the problem. We can choose to keep fighting amongst ourselves without holding those in control accountable, or we can awaken from our stupor and attempt to gain common ground with all Americans while demanding much more accountability from our failing two party partisan government. It’s time to acknowledge that the distraction caused by mass-programming, mass-manipulation, and mass-division, best serves the very same people who are responsible for it: The elite, and those they pay to do their work. Listen, I acknowledge the fact that most of us are not being manipulated to the point we aren’t making decisions that match our beliefs. We all have our own beliefs on the large issues facing our country. However, we are indeed being manipulated to believe that only our side is correct, and that there is no room for common ground. It is why division and hate is increasing, instead of tolerance and love. It starts with each of us. Befriend those you’ve unfriended. Talk and really listen to those with opposing views. Love each other despite our differences. Search for truth outside your current sources even if at the risk of being offended. Be very skeptical of all news sources. Find common ground with those who possess different or even opposite positions; it won’t be hard; and then mend the differences via compromises and negotiations.
Here is hoping more of us will exit our self-imposed bubbles and unplug from the mass-manipulation-machines, so that we can come together in the “alt-middle”. Is it realistic to believe that fifty percent of America can convert a polar opposition perspective to their way of thinking? Or is it more realistic to believe we can compromise and meet in the middle on all issues, so that all American’s positions are addressed?
Seriously, choose a contentious issue and decide if compromise in the middle serves this country better or if continual Bigotry with only elections temporarily deciding the rules is best?
At the very least, question which of the aforementioned options sounds closer to both Tolerance and Peace, instead of Bigotry, Discrimination and Violence.
Therein lies the solution?
Please Feel Free To Email Me Feedback. Do I need a larger Tin-Foil Hat? Or does this ring true?
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